غرس القيم الدينية والتربوية وبناء الإنسان

June 17, 2023

حقوق الطفل في الإسلام

جاء الإسلام ليكفل حقوق الجميع، فقد أرسل رسول الله رحمة للعالمين، ومن أهم الحقوق التي كفلها الشرع هي حقوق الطفل في الإسلام، وشدد عليها وعلى ضرورة أدائها حتى إنه كفل حق الطفل قبل أن يولد أو ينغرس في رحم أمه، وكفل حقه في التربية حتى الممات، وسوف نتعرف معكم على أهم الحقوق التي كفلها الشارع

حقوق الطفل في الإسلام Read More »

عجائب القرآن اللغوية

The linguistic and scientific wonders of Quran in the creativity of interpretation                                            

The linguistic wonders of Quran was difficult to rely on an interpreter except those with trust to adhere to the precise and creative meaning that God Almighty revealed to humanity in the form of accurate and simplified verses, surahs and guides. The linguistic and scientific wonders of Quran in the creativity of interpretation  Praise be

The linguistic and scientific wonders of Quran in the creativity of interpretation                                             Read More »

من بلاغة القران

Most six famous examples reveal the eloquence of Holy Quran

Learn about various examples related to the eloquence of Holy Quran, which contributed greatly to know many tasks and evidences. the interpreters of the modern era are famous for issuing many booklets in this matter to contribute facilitating for the readers continuously. Most six famous examples reveal the eloquence of Holy Quran There are various

Most six famous examples reveal the eloquence of Holy Quran Read More »

عجائب القرآن

What are the most famous wonders of Holy Quran?

In Islamو the term “wonders of Quran” does not refer to a specific concept of Quranic verses, but Quran is entirely considered wonderful and miraculous. Holy Quran in itself is considered as a wonder due to the linguistic and literary miracle that it carries, as it is a unique miracle in style and linguistic construction.

What are the most famous wonders of Holy Quran? Read More »

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