غرس القيم الدينية والتربوية وبناء الإنسان


How to raise children in Islam


How to raise children in Islam

أدب رسول الله

Raising children in Islam is one of the important points that the Islamic religion focuses on, because of its importance in preparing good generations. Islam took great care in the smallest details of raising children because the child is the building block and the foundation of society, it is the most important responsibility that man will be asked about on the Day of Resurrection. Raising a child is an extension of good deeds and a great reward for the educator. By raising a good boy who prays for him, a person ensures the continuity of increasing the good deeds in the balance of his deeds. Therefore, every educator must be familiar with the most important basic points on which the upbringing of children in Islam is based, and to have the right standard and the correct reference on which to base his actions and words.

How to raise children in Islam      

  • honor the child
  • Building the Child’s Islamic Personality
  • Building a child’s morals
  • Taking care of the child emotionally and psychologically
  • Building a Child’s Faith
  • Raising the child on the righteousness of the parents
  • methods of disciplining a child
  • child education
  • child’s physical health
  • Teaching and training the child to worship

Certainly, there are other detailed points that Islam is concerned with, but here we will deal with the matter in general, God willing, to help every educator properly understand the upbringing of children in Islam.

How to raise children in Islam

Honoring the child

  • The Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) commanded to honor the child by choosing a beautiful name for him that wouldn’t be strange or bad.
  • Imam Ahmad and the Companions of the Sunan narrated that the Messenger of God (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) said: Name your kid with the names of prophets and the most beloved names to God Almighty are Abdullah and Abd al-Rahman also the most truthful are Harith and Hammam and the ugliest of them is war and bitterness).
  • He also ordered the selection of a suitable mother for the child from the beginning to improve his upbringing and treat him properly.
  • Islam also forbids insulting a child, hitting him in the face, cursing him, or describing him with bad qualities when he makes a mistake. Rather, the child is directed, taught and trained in the correct behavior.

This is an essential point that we raise our children on when we tell them about the problem of bullying and its bad impact on people because it makes them lose a sense of honor.

You can also read about: The Art of raising children.

Building the Child’s Islamic Personality

In Islam, the child’s personality is built through the four basic axes, which are:

  • body
  • mind
  • selfness
  • spirit

Each side of them is a large section and contains many details, but here we will talk in general about some points.


Islam’s interest in the health of the child appeared through the prohibition of breastfeeding and ordering the mother to breastfeed her child for two full years, which is proven by modern science of the importance of breastfeeding on the psychological health of the child and his physical health.


  • This is done through educating the child from an early age to brighten his perceptions and refine his mental skills. This is not limited to academic education, but rather all the skills and information of religious and practical life.
  • Telling stories to children from the stories of prophets and companions which have a great role in teaching the child and raising him properly, the evidence is a large number of stories in Quran. We can also use stories to modify a child’s behavior because they speak to the mind greatly..
  • One of the important points in the mental aspect is talking to a child should be according to his intellect and the dialogue must be calm and balanced with him.


  • Through verses of Quran we can see the commands of God Almighty to us, the importance of our thinking about ourselves and God Almighty’s creation for us with our great psychological complexity.
  • For a person who wants truly to know his Lord, he must first know himself, because the human’s soul is a breath of God’s spirit.
  • One of the basics in raising a child is to introduce him to feelings, values, ideas, inputs and so on.
  • The child must be trained to deal with his feelings and himself in different situations, such as the hadith of the Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) and who said: “do not get angry”.
  • One of the sciences that helps a person to know himself is psychology, especially the part related to mental health.


  • A person who does not feed his soul lives miserably and does not know a goal for life and does not feel contentment.
  • The creator(Allah) is the best source of nourishment for any soul, so the educator must raise his son to love God Almighty, adhere to acts of worship and obedience that bring us closer to God.
  • Our role is to start this matter early with children by telling stories about God, the prophets and others.
  • Children begin to be trained in worship from birth by hearing Quran, kissing them during and after worship and not getting angry at them, so it is associated with the child knowing that worship is a time of peace, love and happiness.

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