غرس القيم الدينية والتربوية وبناء الإنسان


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Instilling values and their impact on building up a good person

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Instilling values and their impact on building up a good person

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Many moral values are spread in societies, especially the Islamic community, which must be instilled within children in order to become normal people who can be relied upon in society and they are honest, honesty and cleanliness, it may seem easy, but in fact it is a complex matter full of difficulties and challenges so that people are brought up well and positively, there are great roles on the family, the environment and the school, we will explain in this article the instillation of values and their impact on building up a good person who has a major role in Islamic society.

Instilling values and their impact on building up a good person

  • Specialists in psychology talk that building up a good person is a complex process that begins from the moment the child was young, as he must start instilling values within him from childhood until he becomes a normal person who can be relied upon in society.
  • Dealing with children at home should be very calm, deliver the message of education properly and no means of intimidation or coercion are used because this comes contrary to his upbringing and this is done by many rules.
  •  Also, the school, since it is the second home for the child, is responsible for the formation of the correct human being in some ways as well and the methods that we will explain.
  • Values are the most important things that people cherish and distinguish them from others, as they are a guide to the progress of the state, its civilization and culture, as the poet said, “But the nations of morals are not left, if they are gone, their morals are gone”.
  • Anyone who contemplates the state of the nation in this period will find that there is a melting of values and morals, as some values were imported from Western societies, which made Arabs and Muslims forget the virtues on which they were raised and became open to what is happening in the Western world and moved away from their religion.
  • Some are currently confused between adopting the values they were raised with or adopting the values created by Western countries, which causes tension and turmoil in their emotional feelings.
  • Therefore, we must then pay attention to instilling values for young people, and unite our efforts to create a healthy human being capable of providing an addition to the Islamic society.

Steps to instill values and their impact on building up a good person

Instilling values and their impact on building up a good person

There are some steps through which values are instilled and their impact on building up a good person since his childhood and these steps must apply to the family and school, and they are in the following:

  • Parents talk to the child about the nature of the life they lived when they were young, which creates an atmosphere of discussion between them that leads to good results.
  • Parents should set a good example for their children because children imitate parents in everything they do, and these are the first lessons of values, where parents should not say anything and do the opposite.
  • Use any free time to do some daily activities for children, as well as read books and novels to them that enable them to learn the values desired to be instilled in them.
  • Encouraging children to take on a number of challenges that plant some values within them, including planting the garden with him, not cutting roses and maintaining planting.
  • Do not push the advice explicitly and should be given gradually and discussed because children do not like to direct the information in the form of the command.
  •  At school, teachers should use some methods for young people, which motivate them by giving some gifts and praise in a big way.
  •  Making special schedules for students that include some programs for maintaining personal hygiene, cleanliness of the place, praying on time and a lot of good values, a check mark can be placed in the schedule in front of the student who regularly prays, greets or stays away from abnormal words and these students are honored in order to encourage them to these good qualities.
  • The school can have a significant and clear impact on the development of children emotionally, intellectually, behaviorally, physically and spiritually through the system within it, for all the work team such as teachers, as well as the activities that are developed for students, and the content of the curriculum that is employed to develop the child’s personality well.

You can also read about: Etiquettes of eating and drinking for children.

The concept of instilling values and their impact on building up a good person in Islamic law

Values in Islam have a special concept full of normal attitudes presented by the Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) and his companions, they are in the following:

  • Hisham bin Ammar said that he found Abu Anba al-Khawlani one day praying the qiblatain with the Messenger of Allah Muhammad (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) and heard him say, “Allah still instills in this religion an instilling that he uses in obedience to him,” and this hadith means that Allah Almighty strengthens the religion and supports it with men who support it.
  •  Ibn al-Mubarak (may Allah have mercy on him) used to say that these young men are the instilling of religion.
  • Instilling religion includes every person who invites people to establish religion and apply the law of God and the Sunnah of his beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him), Ibn al-Qayyim once said, “The people of knowledge and working, are the instilling of religion, where if the world is devoid, it is devoid of instilling religion.”

What are the values urged by Islam in Holy Quran?

There are many values urged by Islam and included in Holy Quran in each of its verses, where Islam urged to instill values and their impact on building up a good person, they are in the following:

  • Islam urged Shura: This came in the words of God Almighty in Holy Quran, “And those who responded to their Lord and established prayer, ordered them to be consulted among them and from what we provided them spend”, where the Messenger of God always consulted his companions in all matters of Islam and the matter was Shura between them, he did not take a decision without returning to their council to discuss the matter within it.
  • Islam urged cooperation: This came in the words of God Almighty, “And cooperate in righteousness and piety, don’t cooperate in sin and aggression and fear God, God is severely punished”, as the value of cooperation exists in Islam, it is one of the most important values that must be instilled in a person since his childhood, where the child is directed to cooperate with his classmates at school so that he can learn to cooperate with his friends, family and co-workers when he grows up.
  • Islam urged honesty: This came in the words of God Almighty, “And those who are for their trusts and their covenant are on them”, the value of honesty is evident in preserving the money of others and the treatment between people, which grows a person who is able to take into account others and obtain the confidence of everyone because of his honesty.
  • Urging Islam to command good and forbid vice: This came in the words of God Almighty, “You were the best nation that went out to people to command good and forbid evil”, as this matter is considered one of the most important foundations of Islam’s success in its career, as the teachings of Islam are clear and refer to the good morals that must be followed for the proper emergence of man.
  • It is clear from the things mentioned above that Islam, represented in Holy Quran, is very keen to instill sound moral values in man, including goodness and virtues, for the emergence of a human being who possesses all the right qualities, as instilling values is an inherent concept in Quran and Sunnah of the Prophet, it is basically the task of the Prophet and all the prophets of God.

The importance of instilling values in the lives of individuals

Instilling values and their impact on building up a good person
  • Instilling values in an individual can form a strong personality of individuals with good qualities, as you create some choices for them that determine their behavior or see their response through them.
  •  Values that are built are based on believing in human behavior properly, while values that are not built on faith manifest themselves in their bad behavior.
  •  Values in the life of the individual have a major role in shaping the character contours, for example when Umair bin Ishaq said, “If Bilal was tormented by anyone, someone would say and they would try to change what he said, he would respond to them that his tongue could only say that.”
  • Values work to reform the soul of the individual and his morals and limit any desires and ambitions within him so that he can go to do good, and this is shown in what Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq did when a person delved into Mrs. Aisha (may God be pleased with her) where he retracted his decision after the revelation of a verse in Quran in Surat Al-Nur, where God Almighty said, “And forgive as do you not love that God forgives you?! God is forgiving and merciful.”
  • Abu Bakr al-Siddiq said after the revelation of this verse, “By Allah, I love for my heart that Allah forgives me”, which is evidence of the tolerance of the Muslim person and shows the importance of values in the lives of individuals.
  • Values push individuals to work hard and stay away from any personality disorder, make it a normal and harmonious personality and this came in the words of the Holy Messenger of Allah, where he said, “If the resurrection arises and one of you has a seed in his hand, let him plant it.”
  • Values also provoke in the same individuals the good competition to be proactive for good, which makes them have incentives and high values, which returns to the entire society and fixes its conditions.

The importance of instilling values in society

We explained the importance of values in the lives of individuals, but the matter does not stop there, as values also have a major role in the life of society and the peoples within it, this is evident in the Islamic society, which is subject to standards in dealing and relationships with other people, these standards work in order to form a number of values that appear in actions and words, the importance of values in society appears as follows:

  • Helping the community can face any challenges and changes that occur, by choosing the right things that make life easier for people in the community.
  • Maintaining the stability and survival of society through the firm principles urged by these values.
  • Connect all parts of the culture together so that it looks harmoniously capable of preserving the identity of the community.
  • Adding faith to all systems of society, making society stable and difficult to eliminate or destabilize.
  • Contribute to the strengthening of society and the ability to face any external threat.
  • Protecting society from any conflict and greed on the part of the individuals inside it, which contributes to striking its unity and eliminating it easily.

Different values according to the societies

  • The concept of values varied in different societies according to the politics of this society and the prevailing belief within it, as well as the way of life of citizens.
  • The values of foreign societies differ from our Islamic values that we grew up with, as the values of Western societies are subject to changes and modifications, but the values of Islam do not change regardless of the effects but may evolve with the development of society. 
  • The educational values that exist in Arab societies may lead to citizen preparation, but not to the extent that the educational values that exist in Islamic society provide.
  • Education in Western society may indicate that the upbringing of the Islamic side is not advanced and aggressive, but in fact it never happens.
  • The Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) was the one who carried out the proper education of individuals at the beginning of Islam, was able to transform their faith in Islam into work and was able to form good people, as he always felt the instillation of values and their impact on building a good person.

The types of values that must be instilled in children to form a good human being

فنون تعديل سلوك الطفل
Instilling values and their impact on building up a good person

There are a number of types of values that must be instilled in a child in order to become a good human being following the directives mentioned in Quran and the hadiths of the Prophet, and these values are:

  • Moral values: These are the values that concern the human sense of responsibility entrusted to him, as well as commitment to the teachings of Islam.
  • Spiritual values: They are the values that concern a person’s relationship with God Almighty to determine his relationship with Him, whether they are strong or not and how they are strengthened.
  • Social values: They are the values that concern the relationship of man with society and the people in it, whether in the family or in school
  • Mental values: They are the values that concern human knowledge, and his ability to think and create in order to achieve his desires in life.
  • Material values: They are the values that are concerned with the material element that helps to exist in life and live in dignity.
  • Emotional values: They are the values that are concerned with the aspects of emotions in life, whether hate, love, or anything similar to that.
  • Aesthetic values: They are the values that are concerned with aesthetic taste in human life and his ability to create.
  • All these values that have been mentioned are interconnected in order to develop the normal human personality in a balanced and ideal manner.

What measures does it take to instill values within the human being

  • There are many measures not far from any sane person, as he can carry out such as repairing the land, plowing it, planning it and preparing the necessary water for it until it is ready for the planting process and the production of good fruits.
  • The process of instilling values in the hearts of young people is a very complex process because it does not need individual action, but it needs the union of many national, educational and social institutions in order to achieve a positive result in the end and this is evident in the words of our Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) when he said, “You are all shepherd and you are all responsible for your flock.”
  • These institutions must play their full role in order to instill values and their impact on building a good human being, as they must know all their responsibilities in order to reach the ultimate goal.
  • Man is originally not a black page full of sins or a blank page far from any problems, but man’s instinct is Islam from the beginning of creation.
  • But after mixing with the surrounding environment, man was exposed to many influences that affected his personality, which made him move away from the normal values that he grew up with in the Islamic religion.

In this article, we explained the instillation of values and their impact on building a good person and all the effects of values in the life of the individual and society were clarified, the values in Western society and the Islamic society in which we live were compared and all the values that must be instilled in children were clarified so that they become normal people who contribute to the advancement and development of society, there is a great role for the family, school and environment in which a person lives in the formation of personality and making the individual enjoy good values.

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