غرس القيم الدينية والتربوية وبناء الإنسان


The Effect of Quran on Hearts and Tongues


The Effect of Quran on Hearts and Tongues

Among the wonders of Quran is its effect on hearts and tongues, you see a non-Arab man who does not know the Arabic language. If he wanted to learn Quran, God made it easy for him, so he memorized it while he doesn’t know its meanings. Some non-Arabs memorize it from its beginning to its end.

The Effect of Quran on Hearts and Tongues

Among the wonders of Quran are these openings with cut-off letters: A-l-m, h, s, q, n.

It is a challenge, miracle and an indication that Quran is from God whose letters are these, so bring the same, O owners of the language.

Ibn Katheer (may God have mercy on him) said: “The sum of the letters mentioned at the beginning of the surahs by omitting the repeated ones, meaning in “alm” more than once, for example by omitting the repeated ones. , R, K, Y, A, I, S, H, Q, N. All of them are united by their saying: A wise definitive text that has a secret.

He said: It is half of the letters in number, these 14 are half of the letters of the alphabet.

Ibn Katheer said: “And what is mentioned of it is more honorable than what is left behind”.

These letters mentioned in the cut-off letters are more honorable than the others that are not mentioned in the cut-off letters.

Ibn Al-Qayyim (may God have mercy on him) said: “Contemplate the secret of “alm” and how it contained these three letters. The alif, if it began with it first, was a hamza “e”, which is the first exit from the farthest part of the chest and the lam from the middle of the exits of the letters”.

We have letters from the extreme, letters from the middle and letters from the introduction, in the science of exits.

Something from the extreme, something from the middle and something from the front and the front.

He said, “A” is the alif from the farthest, and the lam from the middle, and it is the most dependent letter on the tongue; Because the letters when they are pronounced differ in the degree of their dependence on the tongue. He said: “The meem is the last of the letters and it comes out of the mouth.”

Something from the outermost part of the throat, from the side of the chest, something from the middle, and something from the front.

He said: “And these three are the origins of the exits of letters,” the origins of the exits, I mean the throat, the tongue, and the lips.

You can also read about: The first one converted to Islam from companions.

The Effect of Quran on Hearts and Tongues

The impact of Noble Quran on the guidance of souls

 The impact of Noble Quran on the individual is as follows:

  1. Guiding the individual towards goodness and justice: Quran sheds light on the concept of justice and charity, calling on the Muslim to follow the straight path and do good and charity in his daily life.
  2. Promoting good morals: Holy Quran promotes good morals such as honesty, patience, tolerance and compassion, urges avoiding negative behaviors such as backbiting and lying.
  3. Motivating good deeds: Quran encourages the performance of good deeds and good deeds, whether it is charity, or doing good to others, which encourages the Muslim to contribute positively to his society.
  4. Achieving psychological and social balance: Quran provides a model of balance in life, and encourages justice and charity in dealing with others, which contributes to building a society based on values and morals.
  5. Personal Development: Holy Quran provides guidance and advice for self-development it also encourages excellence in all aspects of life.

Thus, the influence of Quran on the hearts shows its great role in building the personality of the Muslim and directing his behavior towards goodness and integrity, which enhances piety and the individual’s commitment to the commands of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him).

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