غرس القيم الدينية والتربوية وبناء الإنسان


Steps to pray for children in simplest ways


Steps to pray for children in simplest ways

Many mothers are confused about teaching prayer steps to children, especially young ones and due to the desire to follow the teachings of the Islamic religion correctly, we have provided a set of ways and principles to teach prayer in simple steps.

Steps to pray for children in simplest ways

there’s found a comprehensive list of teaching prayer steps to children as follows:

Start teaching ablution to the child

Parents should start teaching the child the correct ablution method. As prayer is not valid except with purity and ablution’s teaching is as follows:

  • Doing ablution in front of the child, repeating the ablution process several times, then the child is asked to perform ablution and if the child makes a mistake during that, he is guided and corrected, as the method of direct viewing is one of the most successful methods of education.
  • Give the child an easy prize when he performs ablution well, it will be better if this prize is something that the child tends to and one of his interest.
  • Staying away from child abuse when making a mistake, Because he is still learning.
  • Directing the child to the necessity of physical and psychological purity and explaining the great reward of ablution, this happened by reminding him of hadith of the prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) who said:” If a Muslim man performs ablution, his sins come out of his ears, his sight, his hands and his feet and if he sits with that, he will be forgiven).
  • The child is gradually taught to pray and starting from this gradation the parents begin to teach their children to perform ablution, without that prayer is not valid.
  • Let the child see the method of prayer, Islam urges parents to raise children well to raise them based on virtuous morals and to perform acts of worship. Evidence for this is what was stated in the hadith of the Messenger of God (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) when he said: “Order your children to pray when they are seven years old, beat them for it when they are ten years old and separate between them in beds”.

You can also read about: Where do we pray?

How can a child follow the prayer guidelines?

Steps to pray for children in simplest ways

The child can watch the prayer in one of the following ways:

  • Watching video clips with the child to teach prayer. Parents or teachers can use some videos that explain the correct method of prayer in detail. The majority of people watch such visuals that convey and spread the benefit and it is a successful way to teach children the steps of prayer, step by step.
  • Praying in front of child should be taught to pray, starting to pray in front of him and it must be a humbled prayer well-performed and this should be repeated for many days, and all this is to accustom the child to perform the movements of prayer and the parents start with that from a young age, Because the child is naturally inclined to imitate his parents in everything, he imitates his parents in the way of eating, drinking, speaking, etc., so when the child reaches the age of seven, he is guided by the pillars and Sunnahs of prayer.

Initiatives to encourage children to pray

  • A prize must also be presented to the child when he performs the prayer well, and the aim is to link prayer to the path of salvation and win the prize, and that the reward for the hereafter is winning heaven, and when the child reaches the age of ten he is forced to perform regular prayers, and if he neglects the prayer he must be preached, then threatened. Then he rebuked him, then hit him for neglecting worship, and it should be noted that the beating is the last stage after failing to correct it, and it has several conditions for it to be permissible.
  • Taking the child to the mosque One of the most successful ways for a child to learn correct prayer is to watch what worshipers do in mosques. Therefore, the father should get used to accompanying his male children to the House of God after they reach the age of seven, to become accustomed to prayer and his heart to it and the mosque, and for prayer to become embedded in his thoughts, so that when he grows up and reaches the age of puberty, prayer becomes a part of his life, and he is accustomed to frequenting Mosques, sitting with the righteous and learning from them.
  • One of the best methods of education is watching the thing to be learned, and from that it is worthwhile for parents to be careful to make their children watch the prayer by performing the prayer in front of them, by taking them to the mosques, and by using modern technical means.

How to perform prayer correctly

Steps to pray for children in simplest ways

There is a correct way to pray and it is the way that the Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) used to pray. We explain this method as follows:

  • Facing towards Qibla: without deviating or turning away from it. The intention in prayer: It is through the intention in the heart without uttering it
  • The opening takbeer: It is by saying “God is great” and the hands must be raised towards the shoulders during the takbeer, then the palm of the right hand should be placed on the back of the left above his chest.
  • The opening supplication: And that says: “Glory be to You, O God and I praise You and bless be with Your name, you are the almighty and there is no god but You.”
  • Seeking refuge in God from the accursed Satan: By saying “I seek refuge in God from the accursed Satan,” then saying the Basmalla.
  • Reading Surat Al-Fatiha: Then read what is facilitated from Holy Quran.
  • Bowing: It means bowing the back to glorify God Almighty, saying the takbeer when bowing and supplicating while bowing by saying “Glory be to my Lord the Great” three times.
  • Raise the head from bowing: and say: “God hears those who praise Him.” Then he raises his hands to the side of his shoulders.
  • Prostration: The first prostration is with reverence, the takbeer when prostrating, and saying “Glory be to my Lord the Highest” three times in prostration. Rising from prostration: and saying “God is great.”
  • Sitting between the two prostrations: He should sit on the left foot and erect the right foot if he can do so, the worshiper raises the forefinger and moves it when supplicating.
  • The second prostration: It is exactly like the first prostration in word, deed and appearance.
  • Rising from the second prostration: Saying: “God is great” and performing the second rak’ah as he did the first rak’ah, but without reciting the opening prayer in it.
  • Reading the tashahhud: By saying “Greetings to God, prayers and good deeds, peace be upon you, O Prophet, and God’s mercy and blessings, peace be upon us and the righteous servants of God, I bear witness that there is no god but God and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and His Messenger.” Standing after the first tashahhud: This is to complete the prayer if it is three or quadruple.
  • The last sitting and the Abrahamic prayer: This is done by saying: “Oh God, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad as you blessed Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim. You are Praiseworthy, Glorious.
  • Handing over: He begins with the handing over to the right by saying “Peace and God’s mercy be upon you,” then the handing over to the left.
  • The correct manner of prayer has been clarified, which began with facing the Qibla and ended with a salutation.

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