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Magic keys to tame your child


Magic keys to tame your child

Fatherhood is one of the most important functions in our social life, raising children properly and in a healthy way to make them physically and psychologically is one of the most important things, so that they do not fall prey in the future to atheism or terrorist and extremist groups or easy hunting for secularists and attention must be paid to education from a young age and make your child feel love and security towards you and gain more confidence in himself, feel your love for him and love people and respect others, below we offer you The Magic keys to tame your child that keeps him from loss.

Magic keys to tame your child

All the methods that we will present to you have been proven effectively with children in taming them and making them better, as they contribute to build a reassuring a confident generation, loving their parents and they also bear responsibility.

1- Take advantage of the moments when you gather with your child

The concerns of life and the thinking of parents in providing a decent life for their children made them completely distant from them and rarely met.

Your child needs to communicate with you, but some people ignore this and not listen to their child or ignore the child’s attempt to communicate with them.

Think about how to use the moments you spend with your child as they are more important than the time itself to build the child’s personality and self-confidence.

If you don’t make time for your child to communicate and hear him he will look for it outside and may build destructive thoughts about the parents.

Make happy time, fun, communication and leisurely with your children and family as a part of your day, children never forget happy moments and will owe them to you for the rest of their lives.

2- Actions speak louder than words

Parents give thousands of commands a day to their children in vain!

Have children become deaf to the instructions and orders of their parents or what!

Make your action louder than your words.

if you ask your child to spread out his socks so that you wash them, and he didn’t.

Don’t do anything but wash only the stretched socks and leave him his socks.

3- Natural consequences

Life is a great school and if it weren’t for the consequences that happen to us after every situation we wouldn’t have learned.

There are situations that children go through on their own and do not need parental intervention.

Leave the opportunity for your child and let the natural consequences take their course.

This teaches the child the consequences that will happen to him as a result of his action and will not repeat it again.

4- Make your child feel strong

Children should feel empowered and if you don’t they will look for it outside and in other ways.

Ask for their advice on something, share their opinion, ask for their help with some household chores.

Leave your child the opportunity to choose whether where to go, clothes to wear or food to eat.

All these things make the child confident and opinionated.

Make him feel strong and important, that he is an active member of the family.

5- Logical punishment

The child is able to differentiate between natural punishment and logical punishment appropriate to the situation and error.

For example, when a child is late in getting out and getting into the car he cannot be punished by depriving him of outing for a week!

Such punishment is illogical and inappropriate for the child’s fault and may leave the child at a loss cause why he is punished so much.

However, he can be punished by being fined from his allowance to the extent that the father paid a fine for his delay.

This is how the child understands that this punishment makes sense and he deserves it then he will not repeat it again.

6- Withdrawal from conflicts

If your child talks to you in a rude or angry way or is testing your mood.

Withdraw immediately, go to another room and finish talking to him without showing that you have been defeated.

Be firm and tell him either to speak politely or not.

7- Separation between the verb and the subject

Punish a child for the act, but don’t tell him that you don’t love him and don’t require him to do something in exchange.

Make him love himself, trust himself and know that he is loved without conditions or restrictions.

Tell him that you love him but hate the action he did.

You can also read about: Etiquettes of eating and drinking for children.

Magic keys to tame your child

How to deal with a stubborn and nervous child at the age of 4

Dealing with stubborn children can be challenging, but there are some strategies that may help you to deal with your stubborn son:

  1. Calmness and patience: Keep calm and patient. Responding carefully can be effective for stubborn behaviors.
  2. Speak kindly: Use positive and kind language when talking to your child. Avoid excessive emotions and sharp criticism.
  3. Set boundaries: Set clear rules and boundaries for your child and make sure he understands them. Children can feel safe when they know what is expected of them.
  4. Participate in making decision: Encourage your child to participate in small making decision. This gives him a sense of control and responsibility.
  5. Understanding: Try to understand your son’s feelings and be understanding. Ask him about the reasons for his actions and try to get to the root of the problem.
  6.  Positive motivation: Encourage your child to positive behaviors by means such as rewards or praise. This promotes good behavior.
  7. Options: Give your kid some specific options to let him feel in control without causing conflict.
  8. Effective communication: Talk to your child effectively and listen to what he has to say. He may need to feel that he is being understood.
  9. Positive model: Be a positive role model for your child. Children learn a lot from the actions and interactions of their parents.
  10.  Find professional help: If challenges persist, you can seek help from experts in parenting or family counselling.

Remember that each child is unique and challenges may vary from child to child. Use these strategies flexibly and look for those that fit your child’s personality.

Download jeras app from here, for more educational and interactive courses dedicated to your child.



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