غرس القيم الدينية والتربوية وبناء الإنسان

Author name: Jeras app

Difficulties of memorizing the Qur'an and methods of treatment

Difficulties of memorizing Quran and methods of treatment

Memorizing Quran is a dream of every pious Muslim because of its great goodness, but some people may find it difficult especially with old ones, so we will present to you in this article the most prominent Difficulties of memorizing Quran and methods of treatment. Difficulties of memorizing Quran and methods of treatment Despite the

Difficulties of memorizing Quran and methods of treatment Read More »

The story of memorizing Quran for children

Memorizing Holy Quran is one of the most important priorities that parents should pay attention to, don’t say my son is still young, you can start with him from 3 years old, memorization begins even when he still a fetus in his mother’s womb. Today we will tell our children the story of memorizing Quran

The story of memorizing Quran for children Read More »

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