غرس القيم الدينية والتربوية وبناء الإنسان

Author name: Jeras app

7reasons for a child’s happiness

Our children are the pearls of our eyes, the smile of our lives and their happiness is our most important wish. Here are 7 reasons for a child’s happiness, as mentioned by Dr. Mustafa Abu Al-Saad in his book ‘The Troublesome Children’. Happiness is a feeling of psychological comfort that appears on the child’s features […]

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The educational mistakes committed with children

Educational mistakes committed on children

Proper and positive upbringing is not an easy task, as it requires hard work and directed care. During the journey of upbringing there are several educational mistakes committed on children. Parents may overlook them or they may pass unnoticed and they may think that these mistakes do not affect their children’s upbringing, but this is not true. In the

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