غرس القيم الدينية والتربوية وبناء الإنسان

Author name: Jeras app

من بلاغة القران

Most six famous examples reveal the eloquence of Holy Quran

Learn about various examples related to the eloquence of Holy Quran, which contributed greatly to know many tasks and evidences. the interpreters of the modern era are famous for issuing many booklets in this matter to contribute facilitating for the readers continuously. Most six famous examples reveal the eloquence of Holy Quran There are various […]

Most six famous examples reveal the eloquence of Holy Quran Read More »

عجائب القرآن

What are the most famous wonders of Holy Quran?

In Islamو the term “wonders of Quran” does not refer to a specific concept of Quranic verses, but Quran is entirely considered wonderful and miraculous. Holy Quran in itself is considered as a wonder due to the linguistic and literary miracle that it carries, as it is a unique miracle in style and linguistic construction.

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Как закрепить любовь к пророку в сердцах детей

Как закрепить любовь к пророку в сердцах детей

Любовь к Пророку – это один из корней этой религии, которого нельзя игнорировать или пренебрегать. Родители заботятся о воспитании своих детей в духе ислама, основанном на Коране и Сунне. Но главный вопрос остается – как закрепить любовь к Пророку в сердцах детей. Родители должны знать, как и какими способами ответить на этот вопрос. Любовь к

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Menanamkan cinta kepada Nabi kepada anak-anak

Menanamkan cinta kepada Nabi kepada anak-anak

Cinta kepada Rasulullah merupakan salah satu asas agama Islam yang tidak dapat diabaikan atau diabaikan. Orang tua diharapkan untuk mendidik anak-anak mereka dengan didikan Islam yang berdasarkan Al-Quran dan Sunnah. Namun, pertanyaan yang paling penting adalah bagaimana cara menanamkan cinta kepada Nabi dalam hati anak-anak. Orang tua harus tahu cara dan metode untuk menerapkan hal

Menanamkan cinta kepada Nabi kepada anak-anak Read More »

Verwurzelung der Liebe zum Propheten in den Herzen der Kinder

Verwurzelung der Liebe zum Propheten in den Herzen der Kinder

Die Liebe zum Propheten ist einer der Grundpfeiler dieses Glaubens, der nicht ignoriert oder neutralisiert werden kann. Eltern bemühen sich, ihre Kinder auf islamische Weise zu erziehen, basierend auf dem Quran und der Sunna. Die wichtigste Frage bleibt jedoch, wie man die Verwurzelung der Liebe zum Propheten in den Herzen der Kinder. Eltern müssen wissen,

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Comment ancrer l'amour du Prophète dans les cœurs des enfants

Enracinement de l’amour du Prophète chez les enfants

L’amour du Prophète est l’un des fondements de cette religion et ne peut être ignoré ou négligé. Les parents s’efforcent d’éduquer leurs enfants dans l’esprit de l’Islam, en se basant sur le Coran et la Sunna. Cependant, la question la plus importante demeure : Enracinement de l’amour du Prophète chez les enfants.? Les parents doivent

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How do we instill love of the Prophet in children hearts?

Love of the Prophet is one of the fundamental principles of this religion that cannot be ignored or overlooked. Parents are concerned to raise their children with Islamic education based on Quran and Sunnah. However, the most important question remains: how do we Instill love of the Prophet in children?. Parents must know the methods

How do we instill love of the Prophet in children hearts? Read More »

Steps to pray for children in simplest ways

Many mothers are confused about teaching prayer steps to children, especially young ones and due to the desire to follow the teachings of the Islamic religion correctly, we have provided a set of ways and principles to teach prayer in simple steps. Steps to pray for children in simplest ways there’s found a comprehensive list

Steps to pray for children in simplest ways Read More »

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