غرس القيم الدينية والتربوية وبناء الإنسان

غير مصنف

The Islamic approach for raising children

The Islamic approach for raising children must be in different way of using, because children are the seeds of life, the seeds of hope and the apple of man’s eye. They are the builders of tomorrow and its men, its thinkers, its forearms, the shields of its nation and the protectors of its stability. For

The Islamic approach for raising children Read More »

أدب رسول الله

Prophetic glimpses in the child’s upbringing

It is noticed today in West culture that there is a wave of authorship mainly aims to achieve the ideal education, whether by reviewing the mistakes that must be avoided in raising children or the rules that should be followed to enable the child having a sound upbringing. Prophetic glimpses in the child’s upbringing The

Prophetic glimpses in the child’s upbringing Read More »

كيف تكون الأسرة صالحة

How could the family be righteous?

How to be a good family after the spread of many programs that offend different family teachings and values, which have nothing to do with education, hence our interface is to plant values and broadcast the right religious teachings to the child. How could the family be righteous? This is a question that arises and

How could the family be righteous? Read More »

مشاعر أبنائك

Your comprehensive guide for proper dealing with your children’s feelings

Children’s behavior is usually related to their feelings. A child who misbehaves is frustrated. When the child feels positive he behaves correctly. Therefore, the book “How do you speak, so that the children listen to You?” – One of the best-selling books by international education experts Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish – in its first

Your comprehensive guide for proper dealing with your children’s feelings Read More »

تربية النبي

The children’s upbringing by the prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) produced a generation of leaders

The Messenger (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) dealt with young children in a manner based on compassion, mercy, softness and consideration for their conditions. The prophet had the best dealing with children, and about his educational methods in dealing with children in Quran and Sunnah, we will learn about the opinions of

The children’s upbringing by the prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) produced a generation of leaders Read More »

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