غرس القيم الدينية والتربوية وبناء الإنسان

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Children rights

Description of washing and tayammum for children

Cleanliness comes out from faith and this is the slogan of Islam, which urged us to purify and obligated us to perform ablution for prayer, as well as washing and tayammum and we will learn together my loved ones about the Description of washing and tayammum for children and tayammum with sands only happens if

Description of washing and tayammum for children Read More »

فروض وسنن الوضوء للطفل

Duties and Sunnahs of ablution for Muslim child

We will get acquainted together, my loved ones about the duties and sunnahs of ablution for Muslim child, as there is a set of duties that must be performed during ablution and not to discard one of them, there are desirable sunnahs and some nullifiers that we will learn about. Description of ablution It was

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The Purity’s jurisprudence for Muslim child and how to purify

We presented to you my dear children the jurisprudence of the Muslim child .. The door of purity, in this article we will present to you the second part of the jurisprudence of purity for the Muslim child and how to purify, whether with water or soil and how to purify after relieving himself to

The Purity’s jurisprudence for Muslim child and how to purify Read More »

Hamza Al-Zayat is thirsty and doesn’t drink water (Children’s Stories)

Hamza bin Habib Al-Kufi Al-Zayat, reciter and nicknamed (ink of Quran), he is one of seven famous readers, who quoted from them reading Holy Quran and nicknamed Al-Zayat because he was working in the oil trade and Hamza said: “I did not read a letter without an impact”, meaning that he does not read anything

Hamza Al-Zayat is thirsty and doesn’t drink water (Children’s Stories) Read More »

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