غرس القيم الدينية والتربوية وبناء الإنسان

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Memorizing Holy Quran

Misguided educational concepts

Misguided educational concepts

There are many misguided educational concepts that parents fall into, thinking that just being parents gives them ownership over their children and requires them to provide all the evidence of goodness, kindness, loyalty, and obedience. However, there are many things that parents need to understand and provide to their children. Together, we will learn about

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The educational mistakes committed with children

Educational mistakes committed on children

Proper and positive upbringing is not an easy task, as it requires hard work and directed care. During the journey of upbringing there are several educational mistakes committed on children. Parents may overlook them or they may pass unnoticed and they may think that these mistakes do not affect their children’s upbringing, but this is not true. In the

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من بلاغة القران

Most six famous examples reveal the eloquence of Holy Quran

Learn about various examples related to the eloquence of Holy Quran, which contributed greatly to know many tasks and evidences. the interpreters of the modern era are famous for issuing many booklets in this matter to contribute facilitating for the readers continuously. Most six famous examples reveal the eloquence of Holy Quran There are various

Most six famous examples reveal the eloquence of Holy Quran Read More »

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