غرس القيم الدينية والتربوية وبناء الإنسان


Ibrahim (peace be upon him)


Ibrahim (peace be upon him)

Today, dear children we will address with you the story of our master Ibrahim (peace be upon him) and how he was raised, his call to worship the one and only Allah and not to share anything with him as God – Almighty – sent him to his people, to invite and guide them to abandon idolatry, worship Allah and believed in him with religion Hanafa.

What is the story of prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) ?

Ibrahim ( peace be upon him ) was born in Iraq and his people worshipped stones and idols, Ibrahim denied them even before his prophecy.

How could they make idols and statues with their own hands from stones and they had no benefit or harm for them and worship them?!.

Who is my Lord?

Ibrahim was not satisfied with the actions of his people, nor was he convinced by their worship of these statues.

He pondered the universe around him, proving them wrong.

When he saw a planet, he said, “This is my Lord” and when it disappeared, he said with disapproval: ” Who rules the universe shall not disappear.”

Then he saw the moon and said, “This is my Lord” and when it disappeared, he said, “If my Lord does not guide me, I will be among the lost people.”

Then he saw the sun and said, “This is greater, this is my Lord,” and when the sun disappeared, he said, “I am innocent of all these things, it is my Lord who created the heavens and the earth.”

The call of Ibrahim (peace be upon him) to his father

Allah – Almighty- inspired Ibrahim (peace be upon him) to invite his people to worship Allah and to abandon idolatry.

So Ibrahim began his call with his father and he used to invite him to abandon idolatry, worship Allah and not share anything with him.

He said to him, “Father, how can you worship idols that you make with your own hand and they do no harm or benefit?”

His father became very angry and said to him, “Do you want to worship anther god rather than the one we worship?. I will strike you or return back to worship our gods.”

Watch also: our master Noah peace be upon him .

Who the real father of our prophet Ibrahim?

.The father of our prophet Ibrahim peace be upon him is Azer or Tareh as it mentioned directly in Torah

.Our prophet Ibrahim gave birth when he was 70 years old an died when he was 275 years old

The survival of Ibrahim (peace be upon him) from fire

(Ibrahim (peace be upon him

Despite the difficulties that Ibrahim faced, he did not despair of calling his father and his people.

One day, while they were busy celebrating their feast, Ibrahim smashed all the idols of his people, but the larger idol kept as it is.

He placed the axe which he smashed with over the shoulder of the larger idol.

When people found out what had happened to their idols, they asked him ” what happened? “.

Ibrahim told them, “Ask them if they speak.”

The people said, “How can we ask them if they do not speak?, you must have done this to them, Ibrahim.”

So the people gathered and decided to take revenge on Ibrahim by throwing him into the fire.

So they lit a great fire and threw Abraham into it.

But Allah Almighty commanded the fire to be cold and peaceful upon Ibrahim.

So he came out of it and the fire did not harm him, this was the miracle of our master (Ibrahim, peace be upon him).

Why was Ibrahim named “the father of prophets”?

Ibrahim called (the father of the prophets) and one of them was our prophet Muhammed (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) and he was the last one of the them all

.Because all the prophets who came after him were belonged to his offspring

.And all the prophets who mentioned in Quran were belonged to his offspring except only eight prophets

What did prophet Ibrahim ask from Allah?

The prophet of Allah Ibrahim wanted to reach a specific level of believe which is called “eye of certainty” and when he achieved it, he asked Allah to show him how he relive the dead bodies

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