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Hit whoever hits you


Hit whoever hits you

15 فكرة لعلاج كذب الأطفال

Often some parents resort to the saying “hit whoever hits you” and it’s considered as an advice to their children to defend themselves against those who antagonize them. But is this really correct? Is this the proper way of raising children? Will children understand and control their behavior? This is what we will explore together in this article.

Hit whoever hits you

Father advised his child as he driving him to school: “Don’t mistreat anyone any way and stay away from fights”.

ِAt the end of school day the father received a call from teacher informing him that his son had been hit by another child.

but he did not defend himself either verbally or physically.

When the child returned from school, father believed that his morning advice to his child was the reason he didn’t defend himself.

So he told him: “Hit whoever hits you and if anyone mistreats you break their head”.

Next day the father received a call from the teacher saying: “Your son hit another child and caused them harm”.

A question that arises always

Why do parents limit their educational role to a set of random and unwise reactions?

Why do we resort to build up a negative environment based on hitting, cursing, insulting, and violence?

Parents should carry out their educational role systematically and thoughtfully to train their children on good values and ethics.

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Hit whoever hits you

Hit whoever hits you

One of the most dangerous phrases that parents resort to, especially when directed at young children who do not fully understand their actions.

These children whether in elementary or middle school, lack self-control skills.

In addition, they will carry out what they are told without realizing the danger of physically or verbally harming others and the consequences of that.

Instead, they should be taught skills to defend themselves without fighting or hurting anyone and not be diverted from this positive and constructive upbringing.

Self-defense strategies

Instead of telling your child to hit someone who hits you and break their head, teach them self-defense and self-preservation skills:

  • Building positive relationships with others and making friends.
  • Teaching the child to respond honestly and politely with a firm “no” when necessary.
  • Teaching the child to rebuke verbal abuse with reprimanding phrases that are not vulgar.
  • Getting the child used to being open and clear.
  • Listening to the child’s problems and increasing their self-confidence.
  • Following up on the child’s psychological, spiritual, and educational needs.

Finally, we need a conscious, educated and non-bullying generation not a weak one that harms itself or others, but a strong one capable of defending itself with ethical means.

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