غرس القيم الدينية والتربوية وبناء الإنسان


The rights of child in Islam


The rights of child in Islam

Islam came to guarantee the rights of everyone, the Messenger of Allah was sent as a mercy to the world and among the most important rights that Islamic law has guaranteed are the rights of child in Islam. The Prophet emphasized these rights and the necessity of fulfilling them to the extentو that he guaranteed the child’s right even before they are born or implanted in their mother’s womb and guaranteed their right to education until death. We will now learn together about the most important rights that Islamic law has guaranteed for children and that parents are equally obligated to fulfill.

The rights of child in Islam

Islam guarantees many rights for children, including their right to care, attention, education, health, clothing. and other rights in their upbringing. Moreover, the rights of the child are guaranteed from the moment they are a fetus in their mother’s womb.

Bin Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) said: “If anyone of you goes to his family, he should say, ‘Bismillah, O Allah, keep us away from the devil and keep the devil away from what You have provided us”. Then, if Allah decrees that a child be born to them, Satan will never harm him.”

If a man divorces his pregnant wife, he is responsible for taking care of his child during the pregnancy, including providing for their expenses, ensuring the mother’s health and well-being, and providing for the child’s delivery and clothing.

This is based on Allah’s saying: “And if they should be pregnant, then spend on them until they give birth” (Surah At-Talaq 65:6).

The child’s father is also responsible for performing the Aqeeqah (sacrifice) for their child on the seventh day after their birth, as is sunnah.

Additionally, the small child has the right to be breastfed by their mother for two complete years if she wants to complete the breastfeeding.

As stated in Allah’s verse: “Mothers may breastfeed their children two complete years”.

Islam cares for the child and guarantees their rights from childhood, even before they are implanted in their mother’s womb, in terms of care, breastfeeding, and health. Moreover, when the child grows up, it is mandatory to teach them good manners and upright behavior.

In the following, we will present the rights that Islam has guaranteed for children in detail and clarification.

The Rights of the Child before Birth in Islam

Islam cares for the child and guarantees their rights even before their birth. The Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) ordered both men and women to choose righteous ones who will be good parents to their future children.

The Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) said, “A woman may be married for four reasons: her wealth, her lineage, her beauty and her religion. Choose the one who is religious, may your hands be rubbed with dust.”

Islam also prohibits fornication and imposes severe punishment for those who commit it. as well as safeguarding the rights of children by preserving their lineage and reputation. Every child has the right to know their father and have their name recorded under his name.

Furthermore, Sunnah emphasizes the importance of making supplication before engaging in sexual activity with one’s spouse, asking Allah for righteous offspring.

The Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) said, “If one of you goes to his wife and says, ‘Bismillah, O Allah, keep us away from the devil and keep the devil away from what You have provided us,’ and if Allah decrees that they have a child, Satan will never harm that child.”

Islam also guarantees the child’s right to be provided for both before and after their birth. Allah says in Quran, “And if they should be pregnant, then spend on them until they give birth. Then if they breastfeed for you, give them their payment”.

You can also check out: Saving children’s rights.

Rights in Islam after birth

حفظ حقوق الأطفال
The rights of child in Islam

Islam guarantees many rights for children, but the most prominent and important ones can be mentioned as follows:

  • The child has the right to be breastfed naturally from birth until they reach the age of two, as it has a significant impact on their health and growth.
  • Allah says in Quran, “Mothers may breastfeed their children two complete years for whoever wishes to complete the nursing [period].” (Surah Al-Baqarah 2:233)
  • The child has the right for their parents to choose the best and most appropriate name for them, ensuring that the name does not have any negative or embarrassing connotations that may affect the child in the future.
  • The Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) said, “It is the right of a child to be given a good name and to be taught good manners.”
  • Islam guarantees the child’s right to a dignified life so that they can grow up and become self-sufficient.
  • The child has the right to education, healthcare, psychological and physical care.
  • Parents should also teach their children some sports, such as swimming, equestrianism, and horseback riding.
  • Islam emphasizes the importance of treating all children equally and not discriminating against any of them, as well as providing them with psychological care.
  • Islam also prohibits discrimination between male and female children.

In conclusion, the rights of the in Islam are numerous and cannot be fully expressed in just a few lines. Islam guarantees these rights for the child from the moment of their birth, even before the marriage of their parents. This indicates the importance and magnitude of these rights. Children are a trust from Allah to their parents, and it is their duty to protect and care for them, and raise them according to Islamic teachings.

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