غرس القيم الدينية والتربوية وبناء الإنسان


Treatment of lying in children


Treatment of lying in children

15 فكرة لعلاج كذب الأطفال

Lying is a reprehensible behavior that does not please Allah or His messenger, but it is important to differentiate between whether the child is actually lying or if they are in an imaginative developmental stage. We will provide you with the treatment of lying in children and why children lie, so that we can solve this problem. Lying is not a natural trait, but it’s an acquired trait from the surrounding environment. Therefore, it is easy to treat and prevent through proper upbringing from an early age.

Why do children lie?

Lying is not a natural trait, but it’s an acquired trait resulting from imitation and learning from others.

If a child has the ability to persuade and speak eloquently, it is one of the strongest temptations for hidden lying.

Some studies have indicated that 70% of children lie out of fear of punishment, about 10% lie due to imagination plus day dreams, and 20% lie only for the sake of deception and cheating.

A child resorts to lying due to severe punishment and parental insistence that the child confess to some mistakes, which can lead to the child being forced to tell the truth.

However, lying in children aged 4 or 5 years old is a result of their wide imagination and does not cause concern, as at this age they cannot distinguish between reality and imagination.

Forcing a child to confess to a mistake they did not commit by cornering them is not a recommended approach.

Treatment of lying in children

Treatment of lying in children

Don’t speak lies in front of your children and always be honest, as they learn from you and imitate you.

Discipline your child wisely, not with violence, shouting, or hitting, as violence is the way to teach a child to lie.

Don’t make your child afraid of you, but rather make them confess their mistakes because they trust your decisions and wisdom that won’t force them to lie.

Don’t corner your child and demand that they confess to a mistake they made through violence, as they will be afraid of you and forced to lie and not tell the truth.

Be gentle with your child and not harsh.

Boost your child’s self-confidence.

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We have learned with you the reasons that may lead a child to lying and how to treat it with simple methods and possible advice. Lying is an acquired behavior that parents contribute to significantly without realizing it.



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