غرس القيم الدينية والتربوية وبناء الإنسان


Why do we pray?


Why do we pray?

Why do we pray?

Prayer is worship to Allah Almighty with special actions and words and it is the second pillar of Islam, the prayer is opened with takbeer and closed with tasleem, it is performed at special times, the meaning of establishing the prayer is performing it with its conditions, pillars and duties, but Why do we pray? This is what we will answer our beloved children in the following lines.

Why do we pray?

Has your child ever asked you why do we pray? Of course, we pray in worship and obedience to Allah Almighty and perform His duties, but the child needs an answer that lays within him the pillars of faith, he must know that we pray out of love for God and glorification of Him, awe and fear of His torment and obedience to His orders.

In the midst of so many preoccupations, constant shifting moods, multiple sins, committing sins, falling into sins and reproaches, what motivates us to pray, rather what drives us to continue on it and not abandon it, this is what we will know together below.

Pray a desire to:

1- Establishing the second pillar of Islam and Imad al-Din

We pray in obedience to God Almighty and for closeness to Him, as prayer is the pillar of religion and the second pillar of Islam.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) said: “Islam is based on five principles: the testimony that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, the establishment of prayer, the payment of zakat, the fasting of Ramadan and the pilgrimage of the house.”

The Messenger of Allah said: “The head of the matter is Islam, its pillar is prayer and the culmination of its hump is jihad”.

2- Forgiveness of sins and entry into Paradise

Who among us is without sins, who among us does not need the forgiveness of the Most Merciful, it is all the same as those who make his worship forgiveness of sins.

He also (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) said: “The five daily prayers and Friday to Friday are expiations for what is between them if they do not avoid major sins.”

We also pray for a desire and a greed to enter heaven and to stay away from fire.

Abu Ayyub al-Ansari (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “A man said: ‘O Messenger of Allah, tell me something that will bring me to Paradise and keep me away from Hell. The Messenger of Allah said: “You worship Allah, don’t share anything with Him, pray, pay zakat and keep in touch with relatives.”

3- Get the great reward

When Allah Almighty imposed the prayer on us, it was fifty prayers, then decreased to become only five prayers.

God has great kindness and mercy towards us, that he made it five prayers with the reward of fifty prayers for each of the five prayers.

Why do we pray?

Pray for fear of:

1- Punishment

The first thing that Allah Almighty asks the servant on the Day of Resurrection about prayer, if it’s succeeded you will succeed.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) said: “Between a man and disbelief it’s discarding prayer.”

2- Destruction

The Almighty said: “destruction to the worshippers, who about their prayers forget.”

Woe is a valley in hell, it is great torment and great destruction, for those who do not pray on time.

Those who pray in public and do not pray in secret, hypocrites who pray only in front of people.

If woe is prepared for those who neglect their prayers, how about those who have left them altogether!

3- Al- Gai

A valley in hell, which is a severe torment, a clear loss and a great destruction, for its torment is inclusive of every one who abandons prayer.

The Almighty said: “Those who are left behind, are left behind, have lost their prayers and followed their desires, they will be thrown away.”

4- Fire

The first thing a slave will be held accountable for on the Day of Resurrection is prayer.

Who did his best with it won and the one who lost it would be disappointed and lost.

We pray for fear of fire and misery.

You can also read about: How to pray?

We pray thanks and love to Allah Almighty:

Why do we pray? We pray thanks to Allah Almighty in His Highness for His great and countless blessings.

We pray for love in God the Creator Creator, who included His servants in His mercy.

The lover longs for his beloved, obeys him, longs to speak to him and prayer is a connection and connection.

Prayer is man’s connection with the Lord of the worlds and there is no greater and greater lover than God Almighty.

Whenever a person is humble in his prayers, he performs them on time, this is evidence of the greatness of his love for God Almighty.

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